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2014-08-21 09:52:52   来源:   评论:0 点击:


肉钩 Q T
技能属性 指定目标属性 可指定的目标
主动 点数 任何单位
距离: 700/900/1100/1300
伤害: 90/180/270/360
#FormatImgID_1# 14/13/12/11 #FormatImgID_2# 110/120/130/140



  伤害类型: 神圣

  Invisible units can be hooked normally.

  Meat Hook can go through cliffs, trees, structures and siege creeps.

  The tip of the Meat Hook is what drags the units to Pudge, so touching the Meat Hook in any other part than its tip will not trigger its effect.

  Meat Hook deals damage and a mini-stun to hooked enemy unit, effectively interrupting them. Allied units can be dragged too, but neither the damage nor the mini-stun will be dealt to them.

  Mini-stun can be dispelled by Black King Bar and Linken's Sphere.


腐烂 W R
技能属性 指定目标属性 可指定的目标
Toggle 瞬间 敌方单位/自身
范围: 250
减速: 20%
伤害: 35/60/85/110



  伤害类型: 魔法

  Rot can be activated while using Dismember without interrupting it.

  Deals damage and slowing effect to invisible units.

  If Pudge is silenced while Rot is activated, he will not be able to de-activate it until the silence wears off.

  Pudge can deny himself using this skill.


堆积腐肉 E F
技能属性 指定目标属性 可指定的目标
被动 任何单位
距离: 450
魔法抗性: 4%/8%/12%/16%
力量增加: .9/1.2/1.5/1.8



  Spell resistance stacks with and only 1 spell resistant item.

  Gains permanent strength when any enemy hero dies within 450 units from Pudge, or if Pudge kills them.

  The ability is retroactive, meaning the strength gain will be adapted once you level up flesh heap.


肢解 R D
技能属性 指定目标属性 可指定的目标
主动 单位 敌方单位
持续施法- 帕吉捕食一个敌方单位,使其失去行动能力并受到持续伤害。对英雄持续3秒,对小兵持续6秒。
距离: 160
每秒伤害: 75/125/175 (+.75x strength with scepter)
#FormatImgID_6# 30 #FormatImgID_7# 100/130/170

“等我干掉这些蠢货以后,就可以把它们做成肉饼了! ”"


  Damage type: magical

  Disable works on magic immune units.

  A unit affected by dismember will continue to be disabled and damaged even if it becomes invisible.

  Dismember is a channeling spell.

  Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values​​).

  Improved version heals Pudge the same amount as it deals damage.

  Linken's Sphere dispels Dismember, rendering it useless.

相关热词搜索:屠夫 英雄 图文


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